Transform Your Space with Six Essential God Idols and Figurines that bring Harmony and Blessings
In the stresses and rush of our hectic modern-day routines, the mind can get saturated and the soul yearns for solace. Many turn to God – the source of life, to rejuvenate their spirits, and get the strength and guidance they eagerly seek.
While people seek the creator through different routes, for a devout Hindu, idols play a significant role in worship and spirituality. Key to this, is the belief that the single ultimate reality – Brahman, can manifest in many forms. Idols are perceived as physical representations or embodiments of the divine, allowing devotees to establish a tangible connection with God. Idols in Hinduism are rich in symbolism, often representing various aspects of divinity, such as strength, wisdom, compassion, and abundance; and serving as powerful tools for devotion, meditation, and spiritual growth.
Recognising this centrality of idols in Hinduism, The Bombay Store has ensured a good collection of Hindu deities, to help devotees connect with the divine in a tangible and meaningful way, from the comfort of their homes, offices, and communities. We have a range of idols to suit every preference and budget. Idols carefully crafted from stone, metals like brass and silver, marble, wood, and resin. So, let’s dive into the divine, with a virtual tour of our celestial representations, that will grace your home and office spaces, with peace and harmony.
A click on the built-in link for each idol, will draw back the online curtains, to effortlessly display our spiritual collection for you – one deity at a time.
For those whose heart is made light by the lively, good-humoured, accepting nature of Krishna, we have displays of your favourite playful deity in various shapes and sizes, ranging from simple book marks, fridge magnets, and wooden frames; to Masterpieces in Brass, Marble, and Silver Plating – in sizes of your choice. Each time you see your Krishna idol, may it help you cope with life’s vicissitudes, and live life to the fullest, with total acceptance of everything, and yet completely untouched by the worldly outcomes. Choose your Krishna idols online: Krishna standing alone, Krishna and Radha, Krishna with a cow, Krishna with a peacock on a lotus, Krishna playing the flute, Krishna amidst trees, Krishna Temples, Krishna in Stone, Brass and Wood; and exquisite Krishna Masterpieces in Marble, and the impeccable Silver Krishna Arch.
If you are one who seeks wisdom and intelligence to overcome obstacles, then perhaps your favourite idol is Ganesha – the symbol of protection, intellectual strength, adaptability, clarity, and efficiency; and the remover of obstacles. Bring home with you, your favourite elephant god, from The Bombay Stores online Ganesha idols in Brass, Metal Alloy, Resin, and Wood. You get to choose the pose of your preference – Ganesha sitting or standing, swinging or dancing! There are also Baby Ganeshas, Ganesha on a lotus, Ganesha with pagadi, Ganesha with a crown, brass musical Ganesha set, enamel hand-painted modern Ganesha idols, antique brass engraved Ganeshas, and much more.
For those who value undying devotion, loyalty, and selfless duty, you’ll probably find comfort in the visual representation of Hanuman whose devotion to Lord Rama, made him go beyond his comfort zone, to help Lord Rama reclaim his wife, Sita. The Online Bombay Store, has a lot to offer you in your search for Hanuman idols, whether in Brass, Marble, or Wood. Choose from various sizes and poses, and finishes too – whether antique or green finish. Whether your inclination is for Hanuman wall hangings, frames, Hanuman Chalisa book, or elegant Hanuman engraving using brass, stonework, or marble – we display it for you online, to choose from the comfort of your home or office.
If you treasure the idols and figurines of Shiva – the Destroyer and the Transformer, you’ll find your answer at The Online Bombay Store. Though he is believed to be limitless, transcendent, unchanging, formless and also the one without beginning or without end, yet for those who need a physical representation, we have Shiva idols in Brass and Resin. Take your pick online from our collection of Shiva idols – Shiva sitting, beautifully engraved Shiva head on a base, or even the Shiva family. Adorn your home and office temples with our delicate and meticulous engravings of meditative Shiva idols.
The Hindu goddess of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, and beauty is much sought after, for the benefits she represents. At the Bombay Store, there’s plenty to choose from. Sit back in the comfort of your homes and choose online, from our collection of Laxmi idols in Brass, Silver, Culture Marble, Whitewood and Wood. There are idols of Laxmi seated on a lotus or set on a decorative brass or wooden base, standing Laxmi, brass jali deepak Laxmi and other lamp forms of Laxmi, Laxmi with Ganesha, Laxmi with Ganesha and Saraswati, Laxmi Temple bells, white wood Laxmi carvings, Laxmi wooden frames, and much more. We also have Laxmi Masterpieces in Culture Marble with Silver Plating, and Silver Laxmi Arch.
Those seeking the motherly protective care of Durga who is endearingly called Maa Durga, will definitely not want to miss out on her idol in their Temple. Hence, we have Durga idols in Brass, awaiting you at The Online Bombay Store. Beautiful brass engraved idols of Maa Durga, victoriously sitting on a tiger, with her multiple arms equipped with weapons – ready for battle against evil.
For the spiritually inclined Hindu, you don’t have to search far and wide for your favourite idols. Our website www.thebombaystore.com, is accessible from the comfort of your home, so that you and your family can go on a virtual spiritual journey, as you shop from our vast collection of idols and figurines of Hindu deities, for your home, office, or community Temples. Grace your homes with these six idols which are central to the Hindu faith, and bring home harmony, peace, strength, intellect, and all that you need. Experience the blessings and the beauty of these six idols, as they transform your home or office into a sacred space, where you and your near and dear ones, can come together for a time of spiritual refreshing and rejuvenation.
… And when you are done with your spiritual buys, explore our online store www.thebombaystore.com, for other articles that will add to the temporal beauty of your home too. There’s plenty for you and your entire family – Home Décor Articles, Sculpted Idols, Graphic Works, Artefacts, Magnificent Masterpieces, Accessories, Souvenirs, Wellness Products, Toys, Games, and much more.
The Online Bombay Store – Serving Spiritual & Secular Shopping.