Small Changes, Big Difference: Home Transformation Tips

Small Changes, Big Difference: Home Transformation Tips

Small Changes, Big Difference: Home Transformation Tips

If your current home décor has outlived its time, but budgetary constraints are delaying its makeover, this blog is just for you. Chill, you don’t necessarily need big ticket transformations, to give your home a refreshing look. We’ll tell you how minor modifications can create a major impact, giving your home décor a breath of fresh air! So put on your creativity cap, think outside the box for a bit, and you’ll be surprised by how easily you can re-style your home, without creating a crater in your bank account!

Effortless Ways to Spruce up Your Home

    1. Let Your Entry Corridor Set the Tone

      Let’s begin right at the entrance to your home. Simple elegant décor and lighting at the entry corridor, can create a good first impression. A Lampshade or T-lite Holder on a simple small Carved Table; a Potted Plant ; an elegant Shoe Rack, a Decorative Mirror, Wall Frame or Wall Accents, are among the items that can create an elegant and welcoming aura, at the entrance itself. You can add a Namaste or Welcome sign for greater effect. Be careful not to crowd your entryway but to keep it simple, minimalist and elegant.

        2. Declutter to Enhance Spaciousness

          The first step for relaxing interiors is to declutter and bring in a spacious look… and no, it doesn’t mean chucking things out en masse, although a few things may have to go, to make room for what’s more elegant and functional. After all, we don’t want white elephants occupying our limited urban home spaces that cost us a bomb! The trick is to strike the right balance between furniture, wall décor, and other home accents, ensuring that they gel well together to enhance the beauty of the room, without compromising on that feeling of open luxurious space. Rearranging your furniture can be the starting point to lend a fresh new look to your home. Give wings to your creative instincts as you declutter and reorganize things around your home. Then sit back, savour the results of your ingenuity, and you are all set to re-decorate your home, within your available budget.

          3. Organize to Enhance Beauty

            Organizing things together can enhance your home décor and add a touch of class. It’s amazing how easy inexpensive ways of arranging your displays, and articles of daily use, can bring a look of sophistication. The answer lies in simple elegant Trays and Small Organizers.

            A scattering of strategically placed trays that hold together flower vases and artefacts, can lend an immaculate look. Cups and sugar bowl sitting neatly on a beautiful tray, gives an added sense of space to your coffee table. Salt-pepper shakers, and sauces happily perched together on an attractive tray, add a touch of class to your dining table. Colourful Pen Trays and Pen Stands are an attractive and handy way to organize your stationery. Enrich the chic look of your vanity table with a tray that prettily displays your combs and hair accessories… and another tray or colourful organizer that charmingly holds your makeup kits. Add elegance to your washroom with a tray or two that hold your soaps and shampoos. Small Colourful Organizers are an attractive way to functionally enhance décor in every room, safely stacking away small frequently used items.

              4. Make your Walls Interesting Canvases

                Wall Frames, Wall Accents, and Wall Clocks can breathe life into otherwise drab walls, without pinching your purse. You can choose to spruce up your walls with wall frames and wall hangings displayed at different levels. You can even use these to create a focal point in each room, by displaying them at eye level, above strategically placed furniture. There’s plenty to choose from, to fuel your creativity – Lacquered Wall Hangings, colourful Fabric Wall Hangings, Beaded Wall Displays, Vintage Wall Clocks, Classic Wooden Hand-painted Wall Clocks, Wood Art Frames, Metal Wall Art, Brass Wall Accents, Iron Wall Frames, Wall Hangings with Mirror and Kantha Work, Religious Wall Accents, Paintings that celebrate Indian art and culture, and plenty more. Say goodbye to boring empty walls, and let them instead elegantly complement your room décor, without costing you an arm and a leg!

                5. Introduce Vibrancy with Colour

                  There’s nothing like colour to brighten up a dark corner or a dull day! Make your home vibrant by attractively adding colour through a gamut of colourful Home Décor Handicrafts. You can choose to dress up your Cushions and Bolsters in Colourful Handcrafted Covers; or make your Dining Serve-ware, Tableware, and Drinkware colourful conversation starters. Perhaps you’d like to display the famed skills of Indian artisans in the form of Charming Dolls that come in a hue of vibrant colours. If your penchant is for Traditional Art Displays and Artefacts you can enjoy the double scoop of beautiful traditional paintings and handicrafts, in well synchronized colours. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the pricing of these rich colourful home décor items that are a veritable steal, and truly great value for money. If you thought re-styling your home will cost big money – think again!

                  6. Illuminate Creatively

                    Lighting is yet another avenue that you can explore, for economically giving your home a refreshing new look and feel. Lampshades, T-lites in beautiful Holders, Scented Candles, and Diyas, are easy ways to experiment with lighting, and giving your room the mood and the look of your choice. These have the added advantage of flexibility as they can be moved around, unlike ceiling and wall light fixtures. A colourful Mosaic Lampshade can greatly cheer up the ambience and brighten the room. Exquisite Cutwork Lamps and T-lite Holders create a calming peaceful atmosphere, with those beautiful designs that they cast around the room. The flicker of mildly perfumed Candles with Flower Pressed Designs are great for a romantic dinner. The richness of Brass Deepaks in intricate designs add a regal touch, even as the diyas they hold create a heavenly glow. Creatively play around with lighting and give your home a stunning transformation, without denting your bank balance.

                    7. Endearing Displays

                      Another effortless way to transform your home décor and cheer up your living spaces, is through endearing displays of Idols, Figurines, and Artefacts. These exquisite handicrafts perched on a table or shelf, or beautifully displayed on floating wall shelves at varied levels, give the room an endearing look. Choose artifacts home décor items that best strike a chord with your heart. The choices are plenty: If you want to portray a sacred look, there are brass artefacts of Ganesha Idols, Buddha Idols, Radha Krishna Murtis, Ram Darbar Idols, Shiva Idols, and much more. For a patriotic ambience there are Ashoka Stambhs and Wooden Ashoka Pillars. For various other looks and styles there are a wide range of Wooden Decorative Items, Wooden Handicraft Items, beautifully crafted artefacts in Brass, Marble, and Resin. Let your creativity and your heart rule the roost, as you select these small home décor items, that make a big difference to your home décor – and thankfully not to your purse.

                      So go right on ahead and re-style your home on a shoe-string budget. You definitely don’t need to wait for that next hefty pay rise. Beautify your home and give it an exquisite makeover, without drilling a hole in your pocket! Add creativity to your small budget and voila – your home décor transcends several notches higher on the beauty scales!

                      … And when you have a larger budget, you can revisit our website, and choose to give your home a complete makeover. At The Bombay Store, we cater to every purse and every taste. Our USP is that we garner under one virtual roof, the exquisite and unique skills of Indian artisans and craftsmen, from across the length and breadth of our motherland. Feast your eyes on our Home Décor Items, Wall Décor Items, Sculpted Idols, Graphic Works, Artefacts, Accessories, Souvenirs, Handicraft Gift Items, Wellness Products, Toys, Games, and much more… and don’t forget to keep clicking on what appeals to you.

                      The Bombay Store – The Online Handicrafts Shop that Caters to Every Budget.

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